"People don't care about how much you know; until they
know how much you care"
“Mr. Bryd and I have a bond that's different from what he has with other students in the community. We all had special situations where he would serve as a teacher or mentor. He always respected me first. He understood how to talk to me, he didn't judge me. He never forced me to do the right things, instead we would have conversations and at times I would be able to see life from his perspective. We have a lot in common, from artistic abilities, Music and just being a source of inspiration to others. Mr. Bryd showed me that it was ok to be giving. He put forth the effort. Almost like it's nothing and asks for little in return. I've seen how he helped the students at school value themselves. I believe it is very important to have people like Mr. Bryd because after he and I became friends, I knew I had to constantly be better. I knew that even my well being would be a reflection of him.”
- Diamond Gerring
“Mr. Byrd has been in my life since I was 11 years old. Not only has he been a mentor but he was actually my probation officer. I went through some hard times in life. He helped me, encouraged me, and motivated me as a young man. I didn't have a father figure in my life. He became my father and showed me how to tie a tie, put on the suit, and bought my first suit. After assisting me with these things that a father should do. I got my first professional job at Kay Jewelers as a salesman. He's been a very impactful person in my life. If it wasn’t for Mr. Byrd, I wouldn't be the man that I am today. I wouldn’t be a husband, business owner, preacher, and father if it wasn’t for him. I am truly grateful for our friendship and relationship. I thank God for him everyday.”
- Lawrence
“Mr. Wendell Byrd has impacted my life through guidance, prayer, love, and communion. I met Mr. Byrd at the age of 15 as my brother’s counselor. I would attend his meetings with my brother just because his love, optimism and attention were so contagious to me. I felt heard, seen, and could be my truest self around him. It always feels good to be around Mr. Byrd’s spirit.
He is a master in seeing an individual’s potential and will power to grow that potential into one’s realty, and that’s where he shines. He has been a counselor, a friend, and at times a father figure throughout my life. The ups and downs in our relationship have been cultivated and purified throughout 19 years. Mr. Byrd is someone who always picks up my call and is willing to meet me where ever I’m at to be a listening ear and a wise educator full of knowledge and experience. He has helped me see my greatness and given me confidence to walk in it every single time we speak.
He is always reminding me how intelligent and wise I am, all the while also encouraging me to seek out my dreams relentlessly with faith in myself and The Most High. His soul and spirit are unmatchable, making him very special human to the world. His character and attitude towards life and the youth have been consistent time after time. He is genuinely very special, always looking for new ways to help grow the youth with fundamental tools that will carry them throughout their adolescent and adult life. He is someone that grows with you and never let’s go unless you choose too and even then, he is persistent on the potential he may see in an individual respectfully, if it is allowed. Wendell Byrd is irreplaceable and it is an honor to call him my good friend.”
– Kiara Nahomi Franco